Information on available courses is included in the GCSE booklet (Available from the school website) Most pupils will follow a curriculum that includes 10 GCSE subjects, as summarised below English, English Literature, Mathematics Religious Studies Option 1, Option 2, Option 3, Option 4, Option 5, Option 6 Information and advice about taking GCSE Geography, which could be adapted and inserted into a Year 9 Options Booklet, or simply printed off as a doublesided sheet for pupils and parents You may need to adapt the course content and fieldwork to suit your schoolGCSE Options (ii) GCSE Options Information Evening on Thursday 31 January, 7pm, at which you can attend up to four subject presentations The deadline for registering to attend the subject presentations is Friday 25 January 19 (please see letter sent via email, or available on the
Www Eastbury Bardaglea Org Uk Mainfolder Secondary Options Options Booklet 1 Pdf
Gcse options sheet
Gcse options sheet- The GCSE science conundrum GCSE science is a compulsory option, but you can choose to study it in two different ways Triple Award where you will study three standalone GCSEs, one each in biology, chemistry and physics Double Award (or 'Dual Award') where you will cover all three sciences combined and get two GCSEs at the end of itIs a 3 a pass?

Ks4 Options 21 23 Beaumont School
The school provides a broad and balanced range of subjects throughout all key stages, including an appropriate balance between academic and workrelated subjects in Years 10 to 13 – OFSTED 14 Please note that this page is updated each Spring Term with the details of the Options process and KS4 courses to be offered to the current Year 9Welsh (if you live in Wales) Sciences (either single, double or triple science) The core science GCSE subjects are biology, physics and chemistry47 Understanding the changes to content Foundation Understanding the changes to content Higher 1011 Changes to assessment 1215 Sample Assessment Material 1617 What you can expect from us 13 3 Hello and welcome to our guide to Edexcel GCSE Mathematics (91)
Learning Areas Creative Learning Area;Exam information & results'P' on my results sheet What does a GCSE grade x mean?
Africa Toto FULL TRANSCRIPTION Eduqas GCSE Music By Toto Digital Sheet Music for Rock Band Download & Print HSC Sheet Music PlusToday we have distributed the GCSE Option booklets and Response sheets to Year 10 students Our Year 10 students have reached a very important milestone in their educational career as they complete Key Stage 3 and begin their GCSE coursesGCSE Subject Choices 13 15 Name _____ Form _____ There are some subjects which you must do, and some where you have a choice You must do GCSE English GCSE English Literature GCSE Mathematics Physical Education (PE) Religious Studies (RS)1 You now have a choice of subjects from the lists below

Options Evening 17 Your Future Starts Here Year

Conflict The Middle East 1945 95 Edexcel Gcse History 9 1 Resources
Welsh (if you live in Wales) Sciences (either single, double or triple science) The core science GCSE subjects are biology, physics and chemistry You need to choose at least one core science subject as part of your optionsGCSE Options Should I take an extra one if my school only offers me nine?The following subjects are taken by all girls to GCSE level English Language;

User Guide

GCSE Option 19 CONTENTS WELCOME & INTRODUCTION GCSE CORE SUBJECTS English Language English Literature Mathematics Modern Foreign Language French/Spanish or Latin Science Combined Science or Biology, Chemistry and Physics GCSE OPTION SUBJECTS Art and Design Fine Art Computer Science Dance Design and Technology Drama Food Preparation andThe full list of options available is as follows, content of each course could be subject to change BTEC Art & Design Vocational ICT BTEC Business Studies GCSE Media Studies GCSE Computer Science BTEC Music Vocational Creative Studies in Craft BTEC Performing Arts Vocational Food and Cookery GCSE Product Design (Graphics)GCSE subjects 1 PSHE lessons in the Autumn Term will focus on GCSE Option Choices 2The School's GCSE Option Choices Booklet will be available electronically at the end of the Autumn Term 3On Friday 4 December, there will be a GCSE Options Fair in the Millennium Hall at lunchtime This will provide pupils with the opportunity to speak to subject teachers

St Michael S Ce High School Options

Mr Thornton Mrthorntonteach
Welcome to the GCSE Options page for the Year 10 2123 cohort Below you can videos and links to information on the different GCSE option subjects Option Subjects Art and Design Art and Design Course Information Business Business Course Information Creative and Media Creative and Media Course Information Drama Drama Course Information Design and TechnologyYear 9 Initial GCSE Options Sheet NOW AVAILABLE Please return by Tuesday 31st January Click HERE to view the initial GCSE Options Letter and Tick Sheet please return this to form tutors by Tuesday 31st JanuaryAlthough you do get to choose most your GCSE options, there are some subjects that are compulsory These are known as core GCSE subjects and include Maths;

Aqa Biology Revision Game Gcse Science Beyond

How Far Does Choice Theory Succeed Within Classics As A Form Of Differentiation In The Classroom Journal Of Classics Teaching Cambridge Core
Careers Guidance and Work Experience Information for Parents;GCSE OPTIONS BOOKLET CONTENTS Foreword from the Headmaster BCS Year 10 and Year 11 Curriculum Progress and Attainment from 16 onwards New Grading System Timetable for Year 9 Year 10 Option Choices Academic Work Compulsory (core) Subjects Optional Subjects Homework CoCurricularPhysical Education and Dance;

Year 10 Curriculum Queen Elizabeth High School

Gcse Choice Sheet 18 19
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